We have been seeing this app in our devices for years, its been able to do the job to play our music, but have you ever wanted to sing along to a catchy song and didnt know the words to the song? You would have to go to another website and search up the lyrics and somehow memorize them or save them, But thats no longer a problem, Assuming that you have jailbroken your device. LyricForMusic is a jailbreak tweak that adds the ability to view the lyrics to a song in your library or in the Apple Music service, Its quite handy when you want to see exactly what an artist is talking about in their songs. The tweak is quite simple to use, you just tap on the album cover while a song is playing and the lyrics will show up, and tap to make them go away, You do require internet to fetch the lyrics.
Although Black ops 3 isnt due to drop on us until November like the usual schedule, doesnt mean that we wont get a chance to play it prior to the release date! It all starts on August 19th if youve pre-ordered the PS4 version, and August 26th for the Xbox One and PC versions, It could be a good experience and good for the pros to get a headstart on the new movement and weapon systems within the game. Both versions will have 5 days to play the game, thats loads of time for people to get used to and get hooked on the new title by Activision and Treyarch!
Source The Apple Beta Software Program lets you try pre-release software and provide feedback to help us make it even better. In this guide you will find information on the latest beta releases and how to get started. Check back regularly for updates. You might think that $500 for a gaming PC would be a cheap and low quality PC, But this Build is surprisingly powerful. Meet the Nyx - a sweet but simple gaming PC which will power through 1080p gaming all for under $500. This build is by Tech OF Tomorrow, feel free to check out their site and scroll through their webpage. They also have a youtube channel all about, that's right you guessed it, TECH! CHANNEL |